วันศุกร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

donate blood

How to donate blood? 

We will have regular blood stays in the body for about 70 to 80 ml per 1 kg if weight loss exceeds 15% of the blood donated blood is not harmful to the body. Blood loss exceeding 50%, but if we do not have a plasma or serum saline. And not blood. I would have died ..
To donate blood every three months, which should leave the blood to the donor. Not only does it have. Blood to save the lives of patients only. But it can be separated into plasma. Or serum to help other patients by ... blood donors with normal serum and red blood cells and it is the blood of the donor spin. Separate the red blood cells and serum from a disaster. Most doctors will have to give them water or serum. Unless they know that the patient's blood. Unit is compatible.
Another benefit to the donor is aware of your body's own blood concentrations are normal or not because we need to make sure there is a lot of blood. And concentrated enough. That will allow us to get to know. Physical conditions such as pressure, however, the lungs or heart. In addition. Blood loss is to stimulate the bone marrow to make new blood cells.
Like to encourage blood donation and bone marrow function. And create new blood cells are constantly made aware of the bone marrow function. When we lose more blood. I will work to create new blood cells out in the bloodstream. Nourish the body and keep the body healthy all the time ..

Many advantages of this .. There is merit to it. Also be beneficial to ourselves as well .. Auto Backlink | Free Auto Backlinks Exchanges

Donate a car to charity

10 ways to drive fundraising success. 

Car donate

1 to avoid the middleman. Many for-profit intermediary organizations advertise aggressively on TV, billboards and elsewhere, offering to help you donate your car to charity. Here's the catch: These organizations often retain approximately 50 to 90 percent of the value of the car itself and the charities do not get what they could have gotten. To avoid making this check directly with charities you admire and find out that they have a car or boat donations.

2 Find charities worthy. If the charities you normally support are not ready to accept such donations until you do some homework to find a reputable charity that is. You can research the charity track. 'Member of the Better Business Bureau site and through charity.

3 Check the math. If you still feel compelled to use an intermediary organization - possibly because you're busy - at least ask the organization how much of a car or boat to charity. If the organization is a charity flat fee - say, $ 100 for a used vehicle, regardless of its value, or $ 2,000 per month - your donation may be tax deductible.

4 Know the status of your recipients. In order for you to qualify to deduct charitable contributions and you must have an IRS approved 501 (c) (3) organization, church, mosque, synagogue or temple likely qualifies. (Check first to make sure that) you can also visit the Internal Revenue Service and the search for 78 other publications to find the non-profit (just type "78" into the search box on the homepage of the Department of Revenue. and you will be published right).

5 When you have made your self a worthy charity, in recognition that it will have to pay someone to pick up your car or boat for you. To help the charity maximize the benefit of your donation drop off your car or boat.

6 transfer car with care. To eliminate the risk of running up parking tickets and other violations after you've said goodbye to your donated vehicle or not. Then again, the official name of the car to a charity, and report to the state Department of Motor Vehicles, or transfer the license. I agree with the title of the charity donation papers blank.

7 Estimate the value of your donation will not cut it. If your car or boat is worth over $ 500, the IRS is going to want to see evidence of how much the charity got for it. (Most charities that accept these donations turn around and sell them for cash.) You will need to get a receipt from the charity Shine said the money it makes.

8 know that you can report the fair market value. You do not need to have evidence of the selling price if the charity keeps the vehicle or vessel and uses it in its charitable work, or if your donation is worth less than $ 500, then you can inform the fair market value on the basis of the results of measurements. Blue Book and similar sources.

9 is a detailed paper trail. If your donation is worth more than $ 500, you must attach IRS 8283 form to your tax return. If it's worth more than $ 5000, your document will need to be evaluated outside. You also will need proof of receipt of donation as a charitable organization and a copy of the name change.

10 is a detail-oriented. This paper trail may seem cumbersome. But think about it, this may be one of the biggest charitable donations you've made. By taking the time to the point i can make sure that the charity will benefit you the most and get the most deductions possible.
Donate a car to charity Auto Backlink | Free Auto Backlinks Exchanges